Day 98 – Through the vast plains once more

While it was nice being able to stretch out in my tent I kept getting woken up by what sounded like a train throughout the night. When morning arrived I could see why, as maybe 200 feet away a train track ran parallel with the road, a sight that had hidden itself when I’d set up my tent in the dark. Ah well, that’s what coffee is for. I took advantage of the open area and played catch with Winnie as I packed my things.

It felt good returning to the road. I grabbed some much needed caffeine on my way west and soon I arrived in Saskatchewan.

A thick layer of clouds accompanied me as I made me way across the plains, I thought I might have another day of pure rain but it held off which was nice.

There is something special about the prairies, a calm feeling that I love. In a strange way it kinda feels like home, it’s just so peaceful. The vast sprawling fields with the occasional valley that dips into the earth makes for a wonderful drive.

I made a detour into Aylesbury to visit my friend Dusty who I’d met on my way east. Soon I was pulling into the farm where a friendly and familiar face greeted me. It was fun sharing my stories of adventure on the eastern side of Canada, as the previous time we’d met I’d been talking about what I might do on my way east. Being an incredible host, Dusty made me sandwiches for the road and cooked me up some dinner. He was heading to work in the evening so we didn’t have as much time to chill as I’d hoped for. I was still glad I swung on by though, even our short time together was worth the detour.

Having said my goodbyes to Dusty I took to the roads once again, continuing my venture northwest as the sun set in the distance and darkness covered the land. Being quite caffeinated I managed to cover quite a bit of ground before fatigue took over, beckoning me to find a place to rest. I heeded the call and located a quiet area where I finally called it a day as I dozed off.