Day 78 – The colorful town of Lunenburg

With Jenn visiting, I’d let myself fall behind quite a bit on the blog. Today it was time to remedy that situation and catch up. I went to a nearby Tim Hortons where I spent my entire afternoon getting caught up on the entries.
I had a few more hours of daylight to take advantage of when I’d left the restaurant and decided I’d spent it checking out the town of Lunenburg, a world heritage site. As I entered the town I was greeted by colorful wooden buildings that lined up along narrow streets.

Despite the tourism attraction the city had a calm feel to it, as though the wheels of time had ceased their spinning and the buildings remained frozen in perfection.

My meandering took me to an old school academy that’d been converted into a library. I entered through the doors and explored for a bit, walking along old creaky floors that so many students had tread on before me.

The sun was beginning to set so I found a restaurant where I grabbed a bite to eat before returning to the car. Feeling pleasantly stuffed I took to the roads heading east to Kejimkujik National Park where I finally dozed off.

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