Day 85 – A coastal drive to remember

Sleeping in the car usually makes for a night of poor rest and by the morning I was definitely feeling the effects of it. On the bright side, I got on the road pretty early and before long I’d left New Brunswick as I entered Quebec.

Choosing to rest up and do the coastal drive in the morning was the right choice. With not a single cloud in sight it was the perfect day for a drive alongside the water.

The coastal drive had a lot more activity then I’d thought it would as I drove past countless buildings and all sorts of unique artwork that adorned the sides of the road.

While I know I need to cover a lot of ground it’s definitely challenging as there are so many incredible views everywhere you look. I find myself stopping constantly as I take in a picturesque scene before me or to let Winnie stretch her legs.

As the sun was beginning to set I arrived at Forillon Nation Park. I stopped by the office to grab a map, then proceeded to find a nearby campground where I set up my tent in the remaining light. I grabbed some wood and made myself a cozy fire. As I sat there I figured I mine as well cook something up, so I made myself some dinner and chowed down. With the last of the burning embers turning to ashes I sat there staring up at the night sky, with no light pollution the stars were out in abundance. It came time to get some rest for the big hikes the following day so I climbed into my tent and dozed off at last.