Day 66 – Taking the ferry in style

I had booked a ferry a few days earlier and upon waking up I decided to head straight there. The drive was about an hour and a half out but I made good time, making it to the dock a few hours before the check in deadline. It was a nice feeling getting in the lineup and relaxing for a bit.

The ferry finally began its loading and I soon found myself driving up the ramp, getting myself parked and situated. I had two options for Winnie, crate or car, and I decided I’d go with the crate since I’d be able to visit her and wouldn’t have to worry about her doing her business in my vehicle.

About an hour or so after loading, the ferry took to the sea with surprising speed as it glided across the deep waters. A brisk and chilly ocean air blew with unrelenting force causing me to spend less time on the deck than I’d thought I would, venturing inside to the lounge instead. As I entered the room in I saw an arrangement of oddly colored seats spreading themselves out among the floor space. I found the perfect spot right beside one of the windows where I could stare out across ocean and watch the sun slowly go down.

The boat had a buffet restaurant and being quite hungry I decided to see if I could get my moneys worth. I tested the button on my pants that night, to my amazement it didn’t pop right off!
With a live band playing back in the lounge, I decided to return there to relax. The singing duo was actually pretty good, playing a solid blend of different tunes for their onlookers.

With a movie playing on the deck below me I took a trip down the stairs to continue exploring the boat. I believe the movie they were showing was Amazing Grace, regardless it was quite good and I watched it until the end before heading back to the lounge.
When I returned back up the stairs I noticed most of the people had fallen asleep on the chairs. The last remnants of folks still awake were frequenting the bar, trying to get the last couple drinks in before the gate closed. I sprawled out on one of the sofas, pulling out my book and reading for a while before I finally dozed off with the rest of the sleepy folk.