Day 60 – An epic climb up Gros Morne Mountain

I woke up knowing I wanted to go for a solid hike but I couldn’t figure out which one to do. While I figured it out I made a stop in a nearby town to grab a bite to eat and stock up on a few souvenirs.
Out of all the hikes I could do in the park, Gros Morne Mountain was the toughest, but also offered the best scenic views as the highest mountain in the national park. It was the clear winner and I set off towards it.

By the time I had all my gear packed for the lengthy 16 km trek and made it to the trail it was 2 pm, a late start but I was prepared to hike in the dark if needed. The beginning was fairly easy with a light gravel path leading into a forested region. Quite soon that easy path turned to mud and rocks as the incline began up the famous mountain. I wasn’t deterred, climbing over the various obstacles in my path as I dodged the muddy puddles by balancing on rocks and fallen branches.

Eventually I arrived at the first clearing where I could see the daunting mountain growing closer, the landscape revealing itself in new ways with the increasing elevation of the climb. Having had the late start and being mindful of the time I kept a good pace, I’d only just put a light dent in the hike at this point.

The second viewpoint revealed itself 4 km in, this was the place you either turned back or took on the challenging rock face to the peak. It was here I met a fellow adventurer named Dan who’d also arrived late on the trail. We hit it off, bonding through mutual excitement of the hike ahead and our love for adventure.

Having another person to chat with was nice and we began the toughest part of the hike together as we climbed the tall rock face before us. Admittedly it was tough, but I wasn’t gonna quit and neither was he. As we climbed higher and higher the view became increasingly sublime, a motivational push to press on to greater heights.

At last we reached the peak! We were greeted by a strong chilly wind and a canadian flag waving violently among the mighty gusts. A stunningly beautiful view was our bountiful reward for the tough endeavor we’d conquered.

As we walked along the peak we couldn’t help but be amazed at the incredibly majestic land. Deep fjords, steep cliffs and pools of water scattered among the tops of other mountains found their home in the prodigious land.

Having taken in the splendid views at the peak it was time to head back down to the bottom. We began our descent, returning to the blend of mud and rocks. We were making surprisingly good time as the sun raced us to the bottom and arrived at the entrance in perfect time, having just the right amount of light for us to appreciate and safely navigate the trail. We said our goodbyes to one another, both going our separate ways as we continued our own unique adventures.

Upon returning to the car I was famished and drove into a nearby town to grab some much needed food. The sun had just gone down over the water as I arrived, leaving the sky a blend of vibrant colors that reflected off the salty sea. I found a restaurant and walked on in. They didn’t have a spot but a lady was sitting by herself at a two person table who happily invited me over as the waitress was talking to me. A kind soul named Marta, we immediately began chatting about our days. It turns out she had taken the ferry through the fjords I’d thought about doing and I’d hiked the mountain she’d thought about doing. We shared our pictures with one another, showing off the attractions we’d both longed to see.

With a good meal in me and the exhaustion of the day setting in I found a campground where I pitched my tent and called it a day, what an adventure it had been!