Day 54 – Another day, another province

I was up bright and early, packing up my tent and writing my blog entry from the previous day. Winnie was feeling playful so I spent some time playing catch with her before getting in my car and heading north. A short drive and I’d left Quebec, entering Labrador.

I arrived in Labrador City where I stopped at a visitor center, picking up some materials and information on some of the sights worth seeing. They had free wifi so I spent a couple hours there working on my blog. With the change in time I’d lost an hour as I realized the day was passing quickly. Being pretty hungry I decided to grab a bite to eat before heading out of town, this led me to a local restaurant called Baba Q’s. A bit on the pricey side I wasn’t sure what to expect but the burger and fries that arrived were unbelievably delicious. I would have payed well for them to toss me in a wheelbarrow and take me to my car after I was done chowing down. I made sure to grab a coffee before hitting the road to help counter the food coma and just like that I was off, heading east to Churchill Falls.

A covering of clouds and a mix of rain accompanied me on my journey. Fires had ravaged many of the trees some time ago, their leafless branches still scared from the ravenous flames. New growth now flourished on the forest floor as a thick layer of green life carpeted the land, in time becoming a thick forest once more.

Across bridges and past countless lakes I drove, it was truly a land of abundant water. I pressed on despite the night fast approaching and arrived at my destination at dusk. With no actual campgrounds around, I found a field off the main highway where I pitched my tent in the rain. Upon crawling inside, the water that had annoyed me while I’d built my tent changed to gentle sounds as the droplets lightly pelted my shelter. The calming sound of nature bidding me goodnight I soon dozed off.