Day 50 – Bonjour le Québec!

Waking up in a shaded area is always nice, it lets me sleep in without getting cooked out of my tent. I decided to enjoy the peace and quiet of the woods upon opening my eyes. Just laying there under the canopy of trees was calming and relaxing, a perfect place to slowly ease into the day.

Having packed up my things I set off to the office to pay on my way out of camp, there the owner came out and greeted me. We began an interesting conversation, it turns out she’d also travelling across Canada, twice! I found myself chatting away, sharing my stories and listening to hers in return. It felt encouraging hearing her talk, I could feel the adventurer in me growing in excitement as she shared her travelling tales. A kind lady, she charged me a pretty low rate for the camping which I appreciated. It soon came time to say goodbye and I set off on the road.

I was torn over where I wanted to go, I figured I’d just head east and figure it out. Eventually I crossing the bridge that led me into a new province, I had arrived in Quebec. My french is admittedly pretty awful but some of it was coming back to me as I drove deeper, trying my best to read the various signs.

I was going to explore Montreal but due to excessive rush hour traffic I decided I’d skip it for now, instead taking some of the farm roads to the north on my way to Quebec City. It turned out to be a worthwhile venture as the small towns surrounded by farmland was a pleasant alternative to a busy and slow moving highway.

I drove until the sun set and continued to press on through the early night. I found a nice shaded campground close to Quebec City where I decided to call it a day.