Day 39 – Hunting down the aroma

I hardly got any sleep the night before and found myself feeling pretty exhausted as I began my drive east. I pushed myself as much as I could but found I was having a hard time focusing, realizing I needed to get some rest if I was gonna drive safely. I pulled off down a quiet side road and proceeded to doze off in my car.
I managed to get a few hours sleep, feeling surprisingly refreshed when I awoke. With a sense of rejuvenating vigor returning to me, I drove to the nearest coffee to keep my focus sharp with that precious caffeine.

I kept my stopping to a minimum, wanting to make it to North Bay before the day was over. I did however make a stop in the town of Bruce Mines due to an irresistible aroma finding its way to my nostrils as I drove through the streets. Like a cartoon floating to a freshly cooked meal I felt myself lifted from my path and set before a nearby chip wagon. Soon I held the golden french fries in my hands and proceeded to indulge myself.

The chip wagon was the perfect place for a stop as an open field along the edge of Lake Huron lay behind it. Winnie had a blast running about as I finished my meal.

I was determined to make it to North Bay and continued pressing on. Certain towns and places have a warm draw to them, as though I could live there in the future, while other towns have the opposite feeling and I can’t wait to leave them. When I arrived in Sudbury I had the feeling of wanting to be anywhere else but there. Bikers with their leather jackets and gang patches grew in number as I drove deeper into the city. I refilled my gas, picked up a healthy smoothie and left as quick as I could.
At last I arrived in the town of North Bay, greeting my friend Jayro I hadn’t seen in eleven years. It was awesome seeing him once more and we proceeded to chat the evening away. Time had flown by and and I ended up passed out on the couch, a full day coming to its close.