Day 12 – Warnings from the less fortunate

I slowly crawled out of bed and started packing my tent, as I was doing so I narrowly missed getting bit by a pretty big spider, I guess if he was eating the bugs off my tent he was paying his rent, oh well, such is camping life I suppose.
I began my travels by heading deeper into Fort Providence, it finds its home right along the MacKenzie River. It was a small town, many of the buildings having become relics as they bore the strain of time. One such building stood out to me in particular, an old church. A fellow traveler mentioned to me that the doors were open and they’d taken a look inside, my curiosity perked I followed in their footsteps. It was a calm, cozy and quaint auditorium with paintings adorning it’s walls. I took my time admiring the unique artwork before cheerfully saying a goodbye and returning to the road.

The destination before me was a long stretch of seemingly unending asphalt. I was reminded of the potential danger of wildlife galloping across the road as I passed some pretty banged up abandoned vehicles. I would stop when I could to take pictures but I was unable to stand in one spot for too long before an army on insects would hone in on my position and advance upon me in endless ranks.

Eventually I made it back to Alberta, saying my farewell to the Northwest Territories for now. A short drive into the province and I could see helicopters flying above me looking for potential new fires erupting among the smoldering forest floor.

I arrived at the Aspen Ridge Campgrounds, now a familiar place to me having stayed there not even a week ago on my venture north. As the sun was settling I set up my tent, grabbed my chair and relaxed over a good book while Winnie scoured about the foliage looking for the perfect branch gnaw on. A chill of night air slowly drifted in with the dimming light as a lambent drizzle patted the leaves above me, it was time to head into my tent and call it a day.