Day 109 – The scenic British Columbia

I’ve been sleeping in my car a lot lately, I just feel it’s safer at the moment. Winnie recently went into heat and sleeping in a tent in grizzly bear territory with a bleeding dog feels like I’m ringing a dinner bell. I don’t sleep as well as I would being sprawled out in a tent but at least I’m not worrying.

I made it into BC and found myself on a quiet road leading south through a fire kissed region of bare trees and calm lakes. The adventurer in me wanted to explore the land, to scale the towering mountains that surrounded me and stand upon their peaks. Perhaps one day when I have more time to spare I’ll do so.

I hope to make it home for thanksgiving which means I’ll have to cover a massive amount of ground in two days. One thing I know for sure though, the drive will be a scenic wonderland.

I arrived at a funky little place called Jade City. I was glad I made the stop as all sorts of incredibly unique creations found their home there. My poor wallet quivered as I walked into a shop full of alluring souvenirs. From skillfully carved jade animals to big chunks of sparkling crystals, the shop was a reminder of the many fascinating materials that lay hidden below the earths surface.

Northern BC is an incredible place to explore, the land is humbling, reminding those who travel through it how small they really are. Roaring rivers would cut their way through the rocky land alongside lush and vibrant trees that grew amid moss covered stones. Unique views revealed themselves with every turn of my head.

I pushed through the fatigue, driving into the night as I passed through a handful of small little towns on my way south. Having covered over 1000 km I was definitely feeling the strain on my body and decided I’d finally catch some rest before the grind continued in the morning.