Day 84 – Preparing for the long drive ahead

I realize if I wanna make it back home in time I’m gonna have to start covering some serious ground, averaging around 400 km per day. With so much distance ahead of me it was time to bring my car in for service. I’d booked an appointment at Moncton Honda for an oil change and set out towards them.

The dealership was admittedly a mess. A 30 minute oil change took an hour an a half due to them losing my keys and poor communication between their staff. At least I got my car prepped with some fresh oil for the roads ahead.
I didn’t stay in Moncton very long, in so many ways it reminded me of my home town Brantford. The majority of the people had that hardened look, the kind that living in a small town full of trouble brings.

With so much ground to cover I took to the roads, chasing the sunset until the moon rose up high into the night sky. I eventually gave into exhaustion and found a place to pull over where I dozed off in my car.