Day 2- Coasting down a mountain

I found myself pretty tired in the morning. Winnie hasn’t been enjoying the new food I got her and decided she was gonna throw up in my tent last night, of course she decides she’ll do it right after she wanders over to my pillow. So there I am, in the dark, trying find her face after hearing the dreaded heaving sound right behind me, luckly I do and manage to get my hand under her mouth right before she gurts, she filled it full…twice. Aside from a drop or two I managed to get it all in my hands and toss it outside the tent, a lovely introduction to my first night camping, sigh!

In the morning I packed up everything and headed to the Pipe Mountain Coaster in Revelstoke. I was a little worried I wouldn’t be able to do it since it kept raining on and off, but when the rain stopped they’d have the ride up and going again in 15 minutes, so I managed to do it after all..twice! It wasn’t a very long ride, you’re down the mountain in a few minutes on a one man coaster, oh but what a rush, it was definitely worth checking out.

After the coaster I headed out in the direction of Salmon Arm, on the way I decided to check out The Enchanted Forrest, as the strange gnome statues perked my curiosity. I picked up a ticket and walked on in. It felt like it would have been a great place to bring a young child as it was primarily fairy tale themed, not quite my cup of tea though, on the bright side getting to watch Winnie sniffing the backsides of every animal statue was pretty amusing. I did a quick walk through the park before hopping back into my car and continuing my journey.

I headed out past Salmon Arm into Tappen where I stopped in to say hello to Jenn’s grandparents, they happily invited me in and even offered to let me stay the night. We spent the evening sharing our stories as Winnie played about, what a wonderful way to end my second night on the road.