Day 25 – “Live for today, for tomorrow is promised to no man”

I awoke on a comfy couch this morning instead of on the ground in my tent, a welcomed change. The sun was shining brightly and I went upstairs to say my good mornings. Three members of the Logan family, Cliff, Brenda and their son Clinton greeted me and offered me breakfast, I happily took them up on their offer.
It turns out there is such a thing as a green egg, they cooked me up a few and I enjoyed the delicious meal. Generously offering me a cup of coffee as well I found myself quite spoiled this morning. As I ate I found the conversation as great as the meal set before me, we shared in many stories with one another. It was compelling hearing how life was growing up on the farm among many other things. Sharing my own collection of stories I found the family intrigued and genuinely interested.

Having just finished my meal Cliff brought out some of his funky little toys the show off. Humping gophers and pecking chickens were among the display, he even gave me a custom backscratcher which was a nice souvenir to take with me. It was now time for the star attraction, Cliff put on his special hat and grabbed a cane, he knelt down beside his patio and pulled out a rock that had the words Hi naturally etched into it, a pretty cool find!

Cliff showed me his home in more detail, a beautiful dwelling comprised of wooden pillars standing on hardwood floors, an old fireplace and wonderfully decorated rooms. It had an old rustic feel to it, antique like. After the tour we went out on the porch where we enjoyed the refreshing morning air as we shared in a deeper conversation. A wise old farmer I found myself enthralled in our exchanges. Cliff was a man of faith with a calm demeanor, we talked much of life and meaning. He had a quote I won’t forget, “Live for today, for tomorrow is promised to no man”.

With such a wonderful evening the night before with Dusty and an amazing morning with the rest of the family it came time for me to say my goodbyes, a hard thing to do. Winnie had a difficult time leaving too, as she had been running around playing with their seven dogs all morning, demonstrating her agile leaps and bounds to the other pups. I waved farewell and ventured back to the highway, feeling tremendously blessed as I went my way.

It wasn’t long until I came to the city of Saskatoon, a place a lot bigger than Regina which surprised me. I wandered about the city taking in the views as Winnie accompanied me for the numerous excursions scattered about. Despite the size of the city it still had a small town feel to it. As I explored I could feel the sun cooking me alive, slowly sapping my energy with every step.

With the heat being as hot as it was I decided to take a jaunt down to one of the beaches just south of the city where I wandered about, occasionally wetting my feet as Winnie rolled around in the sand. Having walked a good ways back and fourth I decided it was time to head back to the car and set off towards to my next destination.

I drove north past shallow valleys and lakes scattered about, mixed among small streams weaving their way across the land until they disappeared from sight. It was beginning to get late and I decided I’d set up camp in the town of Hafford. The mosquitoes at my campsite were endless, a situation that caused me to set up my tent with haste. Having zipped up the door to avoid the many insects I turned on a light and began writing. As I did so I could hear the bugs flying into the sides of my tent where the light was aimed at, trying to get closer to it’s radiance. The sound was like that of a gentle rainfall, a strange but oddly soothing chorus to relax to.

One Reply to “Day 25 – “Live for today, for tomorrow is promised to no man””

  1. I enjoyed reading the Desiderata of 1692. Sound advice for to-day, written in a solemn, yet gentle fashion.

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